
UNITRADING SA was founded in 1991 by people related since 1985 to the Agroindustrial area.  From the beginning the company focused its operations to assist and purchase the needs of multinational companies in Chile , task that today we continue doing through other company named World Concentrates.

Due to the growth of the company and the diversification, in the end of the 90s we began exporting and importing products for the manufacturers of juice , nectars and yogurt, as well as frozen products for industrial and food processors in the food area.

World Concentrates today is Fullrut.  Unitrading is dedicated to the Domestic market importing and distributing products for the mentioned industries and satisfying the needs of manufacturers of final products that uses processed fruit and vegetable as raw materials. In 2005 we decided to separate the import, export and representative area of the company to a new company called World Concentrates , that is linked to Unitrading in the products they handle . Unitrading will continue importing the raw material for the Food Industry adding new products and taking care of Safe Food principles.

World Concentrates (now Fullfrut)

World Concentrates is born in 2005 as a result of de decision of Unitrading to separate the areas of exports, agency and import that stood as main operation of Unitrading until today.

The new company continue the operations of exports and representations from its mother company in the areas of processed fruit and vegetables in purees, frozen and other processing systems of this raw materials, adding new customers worldwide and new representations as well as domestic customers.

We also participate worldwide to a commercial network which counts offices in Argentina and Colombia and working partners worldwide that has resulted in a continuous growth adding new products every year and supply of this from first line processors.

Since October 1, 2017, World Concentrates Chile is now FULLFRUT.  After many years our business has come to grow with more than concentrates and it has gone thru the limits of products from our country, with this we want to tell our clients the diversity of products, countries and diversity of offers they can count with.

Fullfrut will continue expanding the horizons with which World Concentrates started, keeping the same aliances and comercial network and allies that we count today, we welcome the new generation of business and the challenge of making fall the barriers that today still stand in our way.

We welcome all to join us in this challenge where new generations will take part and be witness of this coming future.

Our Mission

Our mission is to satisfy our client’s demands with the products and raw materials they need at every moment.